img 8134
The PPORA Club Members Race for Novice Riders
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Always Roses and Reelwill - The Hunt Members, Subscribers and Farmers Race
img 8155
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Firion King - The Intermediate Race
img 8166
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Firion King - The Intermediate Race
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Fairymount - The Intermediate Race
img 8170
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High Ron - The Intermediate Race
img 8172
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High Ron - The Intermediate Race
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Ted Gunther - The Intermediate Race
img 8177
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Ted Gunther - The Intermediate Race
img 8178
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Rumbavu - The Intermediate Race
img 8179
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Popaway - The Restricted Race
img 8199
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Popaway - The Restricted Race
img 8206
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Popaway - The Restricted Race
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Popaway - The Restricted Race
img 8208
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Popaway - The Restricted Race
img 8209
img 8210
Popaway - The Restricted Race
img 8210
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Popaway - The Restricted Race
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Shannina - The Restricted Race
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